Bald Eagle

Top 12 Wild Animals with the Easiest Lives

The animal kingdom might appear to be full of fights, territorial displays, and constant foraging for food, and in some cases, this is true. Many animals work all day just to get up and do it all again in a seemingly never-ending cycle, leaving us to wonder what the point of it all is!

However, there are some animals whose lives are anything but hard, making us humans jealous of their simple yet satisfying routines. So, which wild animals are lucky enough to lead the easiest lives? Read on for 12 species that enjoy a peaceful, stress-free existence.

Top 12 Wild Animals with the Easiest Lives

1. Python


While the term Python refers to approximately 40 species of snake, this family of reptiles shares quite a few common characteristics. Most Pythons fall into the large snake category (with the exception of a few smaller species), and all are non-venomous constrictors — meaning they kill their prey by squeezing it to death rather than poisoning it.

Their body type, hunting style, and generally lazy habits are also a common theme among Pythons. They have a wider frame than other snakes, making it easy for them to devour larger prey in many cases. The Reticulated Python, for example, is wide enough to consume an entire human — though most Pythons don’t grow quite that large, thank goodness!

Wild Pythons spend the majority of their time motionless and can go weeks without food if necessary. Their ambush hunting style allows them to strike quickly and without warning, leaving their prey no chance to escape their clutches. Their “heat pits” (or the glands around their mouths that sense warmth nearby) help them position themselves perfectly when feeding time comes around, where they then lie in wait, undetected, just waiting for their food to come to them!

2. Nurse Shark

Nurse Shark

Not as big as some shark species and known to be docile around humans, the Nurse shark is another wild animal with an easy-going life. They hang around in the warmer waters of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, where life is good, and crustaceans are plentiful. They generally don’t do much of anything for most of the day — Nurse sharks are nocturnal and like to snooze on the ocean floor — but will go out to hunt for food once nighttime rolls around.

Though they’re slow by nature, don’t think they can’t be quick when they want to. Nurse sharks can snap up their chosen prey with lightning speed and supreme accuracy once they’ve identified a good location for their meal! Crustaceans, bony fish, and small Sting rays on the ocean floor are all prime targets for the Nurse shark, who finds them using the barbels in its nose to sniff out their hiding spots.

Nurse sharks are also one of few shark species who don’t migrate when the weather turns, making their lives even easier! They simply adapt to the colder temperatures by being less active, sleeping longer hours, and only waking to eat. These habits combined with the fact that they have no known predators make the Nurse shark’s life one of the easiest among the entire animal kingdom!

3. Sloth


By the very nature of their name, Sloths easily take the cake as the wild animal with the easiest life. It’s a common belief that these guys sleep all day, but in fact the opposite is true. Sloths sleep less than many other species, only clocking in about 8-10 hours of shuteye a day. This is done in the form of multiple naps throughout the day and night, though it looks like they’re snoozing non-stop!

Sloths are known for their slow-moving habits and are the epitome of a stress-free life. However, this isn’t just because they’re super Zen: their metabolism is one of the slowest on earth! Despite this they possess incredible strength, which allows them to remain firmly attached to their tree branch of choice, where they remain for the majority of their day. This helps them avoid predators, as most can’t muster the strength to pull them down!

Sloths don’t regulate their temperatures as many other species do, so they have a thick coat of fur that helps them stay warm. Living in tropical climates also aids their survival, as cold temperatures are no good for these guys. They follow the weather’s patterns to warm up or cool off similar to how reptiles do, either sunbathing or hanging out in the shade depending on what suits them. Sounds like an easy life to me!

4. Koala


One of my personal favorites, the adorable Koala is yet another wild animal with a super easy life. Despite their shrinking habitat which has sadly put them on the endangered list, the habits of the Koala clearly show their preference for a life of ease and simplicity. Named Koala (meaning “no water”) by the indigenous people of Australia, they absorb the majority of the moisture they require from their food. This means they can stay up in their favorite tree as long as they like!

Koalas are master climbers and use their sharp claws — complete with opposable thumbs — to quickly scale the tallest trees. This gives them a huge advantage against potential predators, making the Koala’s life that much easier! Once they’ve found a tree they like, they’ll remain there to eat their fill of leaves before getting cozy and snoozing the day away. Koalas use most of their energy for digestion, causing them to sleep for up to 20 hours in a 24-hour period!

Generally solitary unless traveling with offspring, Koalas like to keep to their own territory for the most part. Though males may compete with each other for dominance (especially in the spring), a Koala’s existence is a pretty peaceful one most of the time. These adorable marsupials are a great example of how easy a wild animal’s life can be!

5. Opossum


Contrary to popular belief, Opossum’s aren’t rodents — despite how much they look like giant rats. Nope, these guys are in fact marsupials, and the only species of their kind in North America! The “O” is typically silent when most people say this creature’s name; they’re known simply as “Possums” to most people. You’ll rarely see one unless you’re out between the hours of dusk and dawn, as they’re nocturnal and sleep for most of the day.

Opossums are omnivores, and scavengers at that. This makes their access to food almost effortless, as they’re not fussy about what they consume (though they do particularly enjoy rotting meat). They’re frequently found digging through trash cans and dumpsters, which offer plenty of choice for their evening meal, but will quickly disappear once they’re aware that they’ve been spotted.

Opossum babies have an even easier life than adults: they get to be carried around in their mother’s pouch for the first two months of their lives, and then on her back until they’re a little older. Talk about an easy ride! Sadly, the Opossum’s natural instinct to play dead when threatened often causes them to end up as roadkill — they’re one of the most common animals hit by cars each year. However, those that don’t succumb to this fate have quite an easy life indeed!

6. Hippo


Though they can be extremely aggressive when threatened, most of a hippo’s life is pretty easy going. These giant water mammals give off a peaceful, Zen-like vibe, and that’s basically how they live: not much movement, lots of eating, and only migrating when absolutely necessary. Despite the amount of time they spend in water doing what seems like nothing, hippos do actually come to shore for a couple of reasons.

They enjoy basking in the sun periodically, which they’ll do close to the water for easy access if they get too warm. The herd also leaves the water together once night falls, choosing the land as their place of slumber — both for safety from predators and as a way to keep warm. It’s quite funny that hippos live in herds, considering that they’re more solitary than they seem. Aside from the mother hippo and ger calves, two hippos rarely bond — rather, they sort of tolerate each other.

Male hippo territorial aggression is a funny thing; they don’t fight for space or food, which makes life for the whole herd a little easier. Instead, they behave aggressively either for mating rights or during dry periods and are quite dangerous in their displays. Although this might seem like scary time to be a hippo (or any other nearby species, for that matter), overall, a hippo’s life is pretty stress free!

7. Giant Panda

Giant Panda

Another of my personal favorites, the Giant panda is also living one of the easiest lives in the animal kingdom. These massive black and white bears actually go out of their way to avoid stressors; they’d rather live alone and avoid confrontation. They use their scent to mark and take respectful notes of the scent of other Pandas, to refrain from crossing paths — preferring to keep to themselves and remain relaxed.

Giant Pandas eat mostly Golden bamboo — in fact, they graze on these plants for a whopping 14 hours a day. This amounts to about 40% of their body weight in food which, as you can imagine, is a LOT of bamboo! They also enjoy fruits, insects, grass, and even mice at times, but not as much as they love their staple food. All this eating makes them too sleepy for much activity, and they’ll take long naps between meal periods — only to wake up and eat some more!

Despite their clunky appearance and slow mannerisms, Giant pandas are expert climbers and can move quite quickly if need be. They use trees to escape from danger and to impress potential mates, but they’re more likely to be found sleeping or meandering around calmly. They’re even more adorable when they sleep, getting genuinely comfortable and letting it all hang out. A sure sign of an easy life lived!

8. Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle

Famously known as the graceful mascot of the United States, the Bald eagle lives one of the easiest lives around — but it didn’t always. In fact, until recently these majestic creatures were declining sharply in numbers. Thankfully, they’re now a federally protected species, meaning that any attempt to harm them results in strict consequences for the offender. However, there are multiple reasons why Bald eagles live easy lives aside from this.

These massive birds of prey are migratory and can survive in a variety of climates. It’s not uncommon to see them in frigid temperatures or warmer ones, and they’re quite adept at making themselves at home. In fact, their superior hunting skills aren’t the only way they satisfy their hunger: they also steal the spoils of smaller birds as well as opportunistically dining on rotting carcasses that are left behind.

However, their preferred prey consists of fresh fish, which they hunt with a scary level of precision; either by watching from up high or hovering above the water before swooping in and carrying one away. Bald eagles are also quite smart about their nesting habits, building their quarters so high up that no one would think of bothering them. Sounds like they prefer to live their lives the easy way, and personally I don’t blame them!

9. Crocodile


As the largest living reptile on earth and also the most ancient, it only makes sense that the crocodile would live a relatively easy life. After all, with millions of years of history behind them, it wouldn’t be very fair for them to have to struggle that whole time, would it? Nope, the crocodile’s existence is one of lazy days in the water, snoozing the daylight away. Aside from the occasional sunbathing session when they feel the need to warm up, they’re pretty much motionless until nightfall.

Crocodiles are nocturnal, being most active under the veil of darkness. However, even their hunting habits make their lives easy: they use the heat-sensing pits around their jaws to detect the warmth of their prey, then wait for it to get within reach before quickly dragging it under the water. Once their chosen victim is within the grasp of their massive jaws, it’s not much of a task for the crocodile to make a meal of them. They simply hold them underwater until they drown, at which point they can enjoy their dinner.

Other aspects of the crocodile that make its life easier are their anatomy and coloring. They naturally blend into murky waters with their greenish, brownish, slightly grey skin, and can submerge everything but their eyes under the water’s surface for hours on end. This allows them to go virtually undetected, which makes them both excellent predators as well as contributing to their safety — not that there’s any animal brave enough to take them on (except maybe a herd of hippo)!

10. Tridacna Gigas

Tridacna Gigas

Hailing from the pacific and Indian Oceans, this next wild animal truly represents the easy life. The Tridacna gigas — more commonly known as the Giant clam — literally never moves a muscle; in fact, their whole lives are pretty much handled by the naturally occurring movement of the ocean. They live in the coral reefs and lagoon areas of the shallow waters they inhabit, usually within 60 feet of the surface.

These massive mollusks can grow to almost five feet in length, and are protected by thick, dense shells that no predator can infiltrate. In fact, their only known predators are humans — their numbers have been significantly reduced by our species — but no wild animal is bold enough to tangle with them. They wouldn’t get very far if they did, that’s for sure! Sadly, humans have the tools to remove them from their habitat, which is essentially the only threat to this magnificent species.

Even eating is effortless for Tridacna gigas: they can filter feed off of microorganisms like plankton that simply float into their vicinity. Their main eating habit, however, is feeding on the algae that lives within its tissues! Mating is also a non-event and is known as “broadcast spawning.” They simply release their eggs and sperm into the water, allowing them to fertilize themselves — a truly easy life indeed!

11. Brown Bear

Brown Bear

Solitary by nature and feared by all, the Brown bear lives a life of ease and simplicity. While they have been known to travel great distances in search of food, they mostly eat what is in season around their territory, making it easy for them to find food no matter the weather. Brown bears are omnivores, which also ensures they won’t go hungry — they’ll just eat whatever they can find readily available. From reptiles to insects, fish to fruit, and nuts to honey, there’s not much a Brown bear will turn its nose up at!

Brown bears are smart and have excellent memories, allowing them to problem-solve and utilize the tools at their disposal to make their lives even easier. They don’t fully hibernate; rather they go into a “dormant” period for the winter, allowing them to awaken if necessary. These bears are a protected species in Europe, meaning that all threats to their safety at the hands of humans are strictly forbidden.

Female Brown bears give birth to their cubs in the winter, while they’re asleep in their chosen den, cave, or hollow. The cubs survive on mom’s milk and essentially care for themselves until the spring when mama bear wakes from her slumber, at which time her babies are two to three months old. If that doesn’t count as an easy life, I don’t know what does!

12. Sea Gull

Sea Gull

Though they’re the bane of many a beachgoer’s existence, you have to admit, the Sea gull has a pretty sweet life. Being so annoying as they are, humans will do anything to make them go away — including sharing their food. This is exactly the reason that Sea gulls are so annoying in the first place, however, so you only have yourselves to blame, I’m afraid! In all seriousness, though, if you really think about it, Sea gulls are quite a cool species.

Not only have they adapted to make life easier for themselves, but they’ve intimidated humans into giving them free food! Smart, right? Sea gulls are one of the easiest species to please (aside from maybe pigeons) in the bird family. They can drink salt water and not get dehydrated, they’ll eat anything that they can find, and they hang around places that ensure their never-ending appetites will always be satisfied.

They also have a really clever way of making dinner time easier for themselves: instead of fighting to open a clam or mussel shell to get the meat inside, they simply fly up high, drop it, and let gravity do the work for them. Say what you will about these ravenous pests, but they’re a lot smarter than they look — and their easy lives prove it!