There’s just something about chonky cats. Cuddly, snuggly, and cozy, they’re the perfect companions for snuggling up to while watching re-runs of your fave Netflix series.
While some cats simply gain weight due to age, others are actually born and bred chubby. Whether you’re looking for a feline that’s naturally on the larger side or you’re simply curious about chonky cat breeds, here’s a list of the top 11 world’s chonkiest cat breeds.
Just bear in mind that while there are variations within each breed, a cat’s diet and lifestyle can also impact its size. So, if you’re planning on becoming a cat owner, make sure you know what a healthy size would be for the cat breed you choose. It’s easy to overfeed cats and for them to end up obese – which obviously isn’t healthy.
Tabby Cats
While tabby cats are known for being a chunky cat breed, they’re actually not supposed to be fat. They are simply prone to gaining weight easily. However, this can leave them vulnerable to obesity.
An average tabby cat grows up to 16 inches in height and weighs around 8-12 pounds. An adult tabby cat should weigh approximately 10 pounds in order to remain healthy. Female tabbies usually weigh less.
If you’re a tabby cat owner, or you’re planning to be, make sure you monitor his food habits and calorie intake to maintain his health. Since tabbies get REALLY hungry and LOVE to eat, it’s easy for them to become overweight. As his owner, you need to take responsibility to ensure he’s not over-eating, as this can be very dangerous to your cat’s health.
A balanced diet, plenty of exercise, and professional guidance should allow your tabby cat to get back on track with his or her health.
Maine Coon Cats
One of my favorite fat fluffy cat breeds, the Maine Coon is one of the largest domestic cat breeds known for its long, fluffy coat and strong physique. This cat breed does not reach its maximum size until age four – which can be anywhere from 15 to 25 pounds.
Maine Coons are a friendly, cuddly cat breed that usually gets along with everyone – includings kids, cats and dogs. According to the experts, Maine Coons will even let their owners walk them on a leash which is something that’s extremely rare with domestic cats.
Of course, every cat is different so while one may be on the larger size, another may be somewhat smaller. That said, Maine Coons are typically a large breed, so prepare for that if you plan on giving one a permanent home.
Sphynx Cats
You may have a hard time believing this cat breed could ever become overweight. But without the right care and attention, it’s quite easy for Sphynx cats to gain too much weight – and it shows, very clearly. Since Sphynx cats have no heavy fur, it’s easy to spot the first signs of weight gain which usually occur on the belly. That’s right! If you’re not careful, your sphynx may end up developing a pot-belly.
To keep your Sphynx fit, healthy, and at a normal weight, invest in an indoor kitty treadmill and try to give him fewer meals.
Himalayan Cats
The Himalayan is another chonky cat breed you may want to consider getting as a pet if you like your felines extra cuddly.
Recognizable by its short tail and thick coat, Himalayan cats are gentle, quiet, and make wonderful companions. Plus, they’re perfect for cuddling up to on Netflix nights.
Himalayans are typically quite active, but they also like to eat – A LOT! Since they’re known for becoming attached to their owners, the Himalayan can be rather demanding when it comes to their needs for attention.
Birman Cats
A Birman’s favorite hobby is eating, which is why he’s prone to getting a little plump around the sides. If you don’t watch over, it won’t be long before your Birman becomes obese. It also doesn’t help that Birmans are a low activity breed, so it can be hard to control their weight.
To keep him at a healthy size, focus your attention on giving him a weight controlled diet and plenty of exercise.
British Shorthair Cats
It’s impossible to create a list of chunky cat breeds without mentioning the rounded breed of them all: the British Shorthair. From his head to his paws and the tip of his tail, nearly every part of the British Shorthair is round. And that’s what makes them so adorable!
British Shorthairs are classified as a large cat, and they attain most of their weight by 12 months of age. That said, they won’t be fully grown until they’re three years old.
Without a doubt, British Shorthairs are one of my fave chonky cat breeds. They’re snuggly, cuddly, and absolutely adorable! And have you seen them as kittens? They’re so sweet!
Siberian Cats
Siberians are huge cats that can weigh up to 26 pounds. With a long, thick coat, Siberians are able to adapt to a variety of living conditions – usually cold ones. They’re an extremely strong and powerful breed, and yet in spite of this, they make wonderful indoor companions since they’re so affectionate and playful.
However, if you live in a hot climate, Siberians may not be the perfect companion since they thrive in cooler temperatures. Make sure you consider this before getting one as a pet. Live in Siberia or another cold region of the world? The Siberian will be perfect for you.
Chartreux Cats
The Chartreux is a French cat breed that’s known for being a little on the chubby side.
When he’s not demanding to curl up next to you, your Chartreux will be raiding the kitchen cabinets looking for tasty treats.
That’s right. This large cat breed loves to eat. If you don’t like the idea of him stealing your food, you might want to consider installing child locks on your kitchen cupboards, or keeping him out of the room entirely.
Regardless of his fondness for food, Chartreux cats make wonderful pets.
Ragdoll Cats
If you’re considering getting a Ragdoll Cat as a pet, make sure you’ve got strong biceps first, since they’re pretty heavy to hold.
While males typically weigh between 12-20 lbs, and females 8-15lbs, it’s not uncommon to see Ragdolls that weigh up to 23lbs.
The problem with Ragdolls isn’t that they’re naturally big-boned, but that they LOVE to eat and HATE to exercise. Naturally, this creates something of a dilemma with regards to maintaining a healthy body weight.
To best control your Ragdoll cat’s weight, ask your vet to determine how many calories he can eat per day. It’s important to keep him at a healthy weight as overweight cats are prone to health issues.
Turkish Van Cats
Turkish Vans are large and heavy, weighing anywhere from 10 to 20 pounds.
While they are a chunky cat breed, the great thing about Turkish Van cats is that they love the water and swimming. In other words, it shouldn’t be too hard to keep their weight down since they don’t mind the exercise.
Munchkin Cats
Munchkin cats are certainly adorable – and very cuddly! Only 7-8 inches in height and around 6-9 pounds in weight, Munchkin cats aren’t exactly fat, but they do appear a little chubby – hence the cuddle appeal.
However, there is a certain amount of controversy surrounding this cat breed since many people think it’s cruel how they’re bred for dwarfism, which can also hinder this cat’s ability to do regular cat things like jumping and landing.
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